Anyone Having Problems Filling Scripts?
Every month for 6 months I’ve had difficulty getting my prescriptions filled. They’re out at most of the pharmacies. The government shouldn’t be interfering with legitimate scripts from reputable drs. CDC loosened their claws on drs and now this is the next ploy. In the end, we are in charge of being responsible taking our pain meds, not the government.
Hi Jennie. Not willing to take a chance. Just past frustrating that when it’s time to renew a med pharmacy doesn’t have it. It has taken up to to 2 weeks after due date to get med filled. They changed it in Jan, now I can’t get new one either. I was in MO a month ago, had friend’s son unable to get Adderall, was going to have to wait. We aren’t taking these pain killers to get high. And can’t just stop them after years of use. I went a long time feeling bad about taking them for this awful pain we have. Made to feel worse by drs and the pharmacy. Now I’m just mad that the government is trying to control class meds. What about cancer pts? It goes to show your country has no problem manufacturing and distributing them. Yet the US does?
Question: with meds for say oxycodone,when coming back to the US do the meds get threw also? If so everyone should take a trip down there and stock up on meds.
Yes. My pain meds were "out of supply" for 3 weeks per the pharmacist. I called 3 other pharmacies and all of them were having a supply issue. Now I lost my insurance and the insurance through disability are not accepted by specialist"rheumatologists" due to government dick'n around with paying! Thanks Obama care!!
I have marketplace insurance due to my age and disability. I'm only 64 and the insurers won't give me a policy till I'm 65"6 months from now" so no more infusions or Dr appointments till I can get coverage. Marketplace insurance"Obama care" will not cover specialists, infussions, or Dr appts. They only cover limited drugs, and primary care , even that's limited!
They think they know better than the doctors and patients unfortunately.
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