Does Anyone Have Experience Getting Put On Disability Thru Social Security For Ankyosing Spondilitis?
I have worked in the food industry for 31 years. The last 10 years were in school nutrition with 7 being a manager. last year i worked and was waddling everywhere and so slow from it was embarrassing. i went on ling term disability this school year and have applied to social security disability. I am still waiting for a reply and so worried that i wont get approved. All my imaging shows something happening with each vertebrae in my back except for 5 vertebrae. This includes anklyosing… read more
I would suggest you get a lawyer. I was denied trying my first time. Second time I got a lawyer and was approved. It is extremly hard to get approved without a lawyer. Once I got the lawyer it was so easy and they only get paid when you are spproved. There are lawyers that only do ssdi.
I honestly don’t know how people work? Between pain, doctor appointments and fatigue I get easily overwhelmed.
Good luck!
I got diagnosed in 2020,I went with a company that specializes in disability and I got mine before the year was up.
Sometimes the approval gets denied to so many...if that happens, keep appealing! It should work in your favor. Some people I know that are extremely disabled, without a doubt, and they get denied too. I'm not sure how they actually finally decide, but it is common. Don't let it discourage you. Just be honest. Some doctors don't always follow through with their end either, just means you probably will have to get some records and provide more proof on your behalf. I believe sometimes people get denials to discourage them from trying anymore. Just keep pushing. Having work credits helps too. Seems you did all you could already, but if more things or diagnoses come up, you can always update your information too. Hang in there!
thank you!! so far i have just given them all the info and medical records. i keep checking the site almost daily to see if the need anything more yet. They are thru 34% of process. Gosh i pray it doesn't take to long to get approval cause my nerves would be shot worrying about stuff 🤪
Just dn't give up! They might even deny you, but ... keep applying & do everything they ask you to do!! If you need more help, there are lawyers out there that will help & deduct a fee when you get approved!!! Do not quit tho ... it should happen for you:) Trust me, they try to discourage you. Best of luck, it's been over 20yrs since I finally was approved, so ... I'm sure the process has changed...😊
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