Has Anyone W/AS Had Nerve Blocks OR Epidural Injections?
I’ve had numerous injections in my neck & spine but my question is:
Has anyone felt so fatigued that they were down for almost a week afterwards?
Every time I’m so exhausted I’m in bed for 5 days. The 1st 3 so tired I barely Get out of bed.
The 3rd day I always feel like I’m coming down with something & by the 5th day I’m better.
Anyone else with AS that this happens?
The depression along with pain and anxiety is very debilitating for weeks at a time.
Only worked for 7 months for me then stopped so it is a hit or miss with some so it depends on you and how your body takes to it 😊
I've had multiple nerve blocks, nerve ablations, and steroid shots. The ONLY thing that helped longer than 2 weeks was steroid shots!
No help with injections at all
I've had multiple nerve blocks and ablation. To me...they are painfully and NOT any help to me at all. The last one put me in E.r. as I could not move my left leg at all! Took 2 shots 1 month apart to calm this down. Still hurts but I deal with it. I've had several shots of lidocaine they really help.
Someone Please Tell Me About "shots."
Epidural Or Ablation?
Have Anyone Had Neck Surgery Do To Pinched Spinal Cord? What's Your Experience?