Does Anyone Else Have Issues With Their Tongue Constantly Being White?
Thank you for the info, I've been so stressed about all of these different symptoms.
According to my bloodresults my liver is the cause but now that I know that I have SA I have to look at all my symptoms, some maybe caused by spondylitis, some mabybe not. I don’t know yet, it’s all so new.
It is for sure your liver and is it caused by spondylitis? Every time I try to get it treated, they tell me to just use a different mouth wash or some stupid answer 🙄I've been dealing with it for over a year now and it is so annoying.
Already as long as I know, thought is was because of my liver bad functioning.
Good Afternoon, Does Anyone Get White Ulcers On Their Tongue? My Tongue Is Very Painful
What Were Your First Symptoms?
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