Can Someone Go Into A Coma Due To Pain ? I Even Heard Of Suicide Due To Pain. Doctors Don't Give A Damn They Will Let You Suffer And Die.
I will mention this to my care coordinator
I was a social worker so I also worked in Social Services for people. Discrimination is not acceptable.
Honestly, it isn’t they don’t care. They just have no understanding of major long term pain and it’s effects. There is very little research into the mental and physical side effects. I have a friend who is a paramedic, and he talked to me about it. He said it was a dirty little secret that nobody wants to discuss. But yes, suicide is very real with this and other physical issues that cause pain. Please try to hang in there. I try to remember my kids still need me. I may not want to hang on for me but that does help. Prayers for you sister.
Still they are afraid or refuse to prescribe pain meds. I suffer so greatly that I lay in my bed and rock and cry and pray and wonder why the doctor is allowing me to suffer this way. I wish for death at times. I pray that he feels my pain and that he is refused just like he refused me.
I agree ma'am Dr's do not care about anyone! Ain't like it use to be all they care about is money!
Muscle Relaxers? Names Of Please?
I Have Been Calling More Often Over The Last Few Months. I Avoid The ER Because I Tend To Be Treated Like An Drug Addict. Any One Tx So?