Has Anyone With AS Had A Sacroiliac Ablation?
Most of my daily pain is in my SI joints, therefore I am going to see a pain management specialist and discuss having a SI joint ablation. I have had a SI joint injection that worked wonders for about 3 weeks. Was wondering if anyone else with AS and SI joint pain has had an ablation of the nerves in the joint and if so, what was their results.
Yes I’ve had several Ablations to my low back. L-3, L-4 and L-5. I’m planning another one soon. It helps for a while until the nerves grow back.
Yes I had it done it helped alot
Yes I did a double SI ablation in February with local anesthesia. My doc skipped the test somehow. Turned out to be horrible. Sent me into a flare for 6 weeks. But remember that everyone is different. 🤗
My understanding is you have to have 2 test runs to see if they work. I had one years ago with no relief and one a few months ago with same results. Also, for me, it was very painful. I can get through SI injections with no problem.
I've had 3 and they all did NOT help! The last one was so painful I ended up in the e.r. I asked why do I have to do these when the nerve just grows back and was told it was the way to handle A.S. joints. I will not have another one. I do have to admit the shot into the S.A. joint with steroids helped the most! Good luck..
Has Anyone Had PRP-plasma Rich Platelet Procedure Or Ablation Done In The Sacroiliac Illium Joints For Pain Management?
Radio Frequency Ablation And Nerve Block? Opinions?
At Wits End With Different Remedies For Lower Back Pain And Leg Claudication. Considering RFA As Rec By Pain Doc. Anyone Out There Try This?