Have You Been Approved For Disability? How Hard Was It To Qualify With Our Diagnosis?
I was just barely approved for ssdi on the 22nd of this month! I went the a lawyer! They did all the leg work for me! Trajector is who I used they are based out of northern Utah, and handle cases all over the country! I highly recommend them
I want thru layer they know what you need an how to get it my first time I was rejected that why I went with layer
I have Sciatica too. They had me scheduled to get my SI joint injected but injections weren't very helpful in my knee or lower back. I've had so much physical therapy that I should BE a physical therapist! lol It seems to help temporarily but I kept having to go back for more. It just got too expensive so I stopped. I do stretches on my own and it helps a little, but again, as soon as I start doing things again, it hurts.
Does anyone, have chronic pain
In upper back, shoulders,and feeling exhausted, especially when the weather is damp outside
I found using a lawyer worked for me I was refused first time
Who Is Able To Work And Who Is On Disability?
What Test Or Method Is Needed For Ankylosing Spondylitis For Disability To See If Criteria Is Met For Blue Book Listing 14.09?
Does Anyone Have Experience Getting Put On Disability Thru Social Security For Ankyosing Spondilitis?