I thought advil and the generics were bad to use on my dpine surhgies, mainly the fusions areas of my surgery. Is that true , at least most cases?
I even told my doctor, primary, that I trust him with my health, he in turn needs to trust me to be a compliant patient. Remember work for you. As your insurance pays them and sometimes you have co-pay.
Most Generics are manufactured by name brand companies and are safe. I used to work in a pharmacy and found out they work as well as name brand medicine. Do not fear but have or find a doctor you can trust, because I have learned from experience & help from friends guiding me along the way.
Advil, also known by its drug name Ibuprofen, is an over-the-counter medication used to treat pain, fever, and inflammation. Here are some key points about Advil:
- Type: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)
- Uses: Reduces fever, pain, and inflammation
- Mechanism: Inhibits the production of chemicals Show Full Answer