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What Decisions Did You Make Due To Health Issues? Continue Working, Disability??

A MySpondylitisTeam Member asked a question 💭
Hazard, KY
January 17, 2022
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A MySpondylitisTeam Member

I quit working last February. I tore my rotator cuff, bicep tendon and muscle. Had that repaired, my rt carpal tunnel and left carpal tunnel release surgeries and sinus surgery done. During all this I had a pinched nerve in my lower left back. Had 2 epidural’s in my lower back that didn’t help. My neurosurgeon said he would not do surgery since I am overweight. Said if I lost weight it would all get better. I’ve had back problems since my late teens. I was underweight then. I filed for disability in July. Waiting on a decision. Hoping I get it with having Fibromyalgia, undifferentiated spondylitis, anxiety disorder, t2d and Barrett’s esophagus.

January 5, 2024
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

I hear you. I was a nurse for 17 years . It was a hard decision to make.

September 27, 2023
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

Hello Susie3 and everyone who responded. Before my AS dx I knew my clinical skills, tasks, and pain were changing the way I typically take care of patients. They are someone's Mom or sister, Dad, Brother, Uncle. It bothered me so much and even though my colleagues after 29 years of experience, did help out, stepped up, but it was not the same and I knew it and they knew it. I worked so many hours I never had the time to go to appointments, specialists, PT, etc. It was one of the most difficult decisions but I knew if I didn't step down from the required scope of practice, I was not serving and participating as I used to. The hard part of not knowing if I stepped down, was how I would be able to support myself. Also, I love and love what I did as a nurse. It was also frustrating. What did I need and want more? I decided I wanted to get better. Taking the time to see doctors and find them takes a lot of time. I've never lived on less in my whole life, until now. I can say even in retrospect, I wouldn't change my choice. I am not retired, but I did apply for disability, (which I was told to with stage 4 cancer in my 30's), but I worried if I got better I could never regain my job and career. Now is different I'm 30 years older. I have children I haven't been able to see for several years and grandchildren, due to no time off from work. It's a demanding job and we who choose it crave it, too. Still, when I leave work, I really LEAVE WORK. Now two years after that choice, I am glad I did it. I could never have felt relief from suffering if I hadn't. It's scary when anyone is the only source of doing it all. I was scared but I came to a place where doing what I always did was only giving me what I've always had and did. I really appreciate this question. It's a biggy to all of us. Maybe for a while, or a few years, it's a giant struggle, but it's going to get better if YOU and I are BETTER.
I did apply for disability and am awaiting a determination. Bless you all. Thanks for the post, Susie. And all!

September 12, 2023
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

I have decided to continue to work. I’m a nurse so some of my nursing friends have seen me suffer, and have suggested that I go on disability. And I’m sure I could work it out with my doctors,I have all the right the diagnosis is to qualify me for disability..But the minute I stop, I will lose so much. I will lose.. my tack for life, I think my pain would increase, if I stop moving I just can’t get my head around being disabled. Ever.! I’m only 48 this is so not fair.

November 23, 2022
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

I just filled out paperwork for accommodations. When I told my assistant principal I am not able to stand for long periods of time, even constant walking around the room is hard. He was great about it. I am concerned about the stress though since it is constant and the educational environment is rough right now. My Rhumatologist told me to lower my stress level and I just laughed at her, not until the end of May

February 26, 2022

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