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Has Anyone Recieved Infusions For Thier Ankylosing Spondilitis

A MySpondylitisTeam Member asked a question 💭
Santa Fe, NM

My Rheumatoligist has suggested that get in infusionssf Siponi Aria? I am going to get my booster next week then I have to wait 2 weeks before I start the infusions

November 25, 2021
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A MySpondylitisTeam Member

I have been on Simponi infusions every 8 weeks for 2 years.

August 29, 2023
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

I have been on simponi aria probably 3 years. Before that I was taking ibuprofen 800 twice a day. Had me in kidney failure stage 3. Stopped that and started taking Tylenol arthritis strength and now with the infusion I rarely take it unless I am really hurting. I also use frankincense salve for my achy neck hood lower back knees feet really sll over. Really helps. I am blessed. My kidneys creatine is normal.

August 8, 2023
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

Simponi Aria didn't work well for me
Switched to Remicade infusion 4 vials.
Doctor just upped dose to 6 vials. I have 3 kinds of arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid and ankylosing spondylitis. Makes it difficult to treat all 3 with 1 infusion. Also take methotrexate 8 tablets once a week, and sulfasalazine for inflammation. They all help somewhat but not enough to sleep through the night. I'm up every 2 hours from pain. Stay indoors as much as possible.

July 23, 2023
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

I’ve been on a ton of biologics. Humira, couldn’t handle the pain, then Remicade every 4 weeks initially, then it stopped working…I went on to a shot I gave myself once a month that caused very bad bruising so stopped it. On to cosentex, pharmacy wouldn’t pay for it so I had to get on Taltz. Now I’m strictly on Medicare and once again they have changed my biologic to Rinvoq, a pill you take once a day. It seems to be working as my hips and sciatica have not hurt as bad. Good luck to all of my fellow Spoonies, I hope you find your pot of gold and find some relief.

June 11, 2023
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

Yes for simponi. I took it for 6 months till my husband was laid off. I'm 64 and no one will sell me insurance under $1000 a month. I cannot afford that. I have 6 months till I can resume my infusions. Those infusions made a night and day difference in my life! Thank GOD for these drugs!

June 4, 2023

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Sayville, NY

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Coachella, CA

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A MySpondylitisTeam Member asked a question 💭
Crab Orchard, TN
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