Has Anyone Experienced Inflammation In The Eyes?
I developed uveitis in my left eye, but when I tell people about it, it seems that no one has heard of it. So I’m curious if anyone on here has developed it and if it’s a common symptom.
Yes!!! Very painful and freaks my doctor out.
uveitis goes with A.S. I've had my share and when It happens also have a harsh sensitivity to light, it's painful to have any bright light on
Hi Alyssa! Yes, Uveitis is common with us. People with a lower immunity system will usually contract it. I have friends that build up their immunity with VD3 and Zinc. Are you able to take these supplements? I always check with my family dr. before I add or even try something new. You have to do whats best for your well being. Good luck and Be Safe.
Yes I have developed it recently due to RA seemingly its rare but does happen. Patricia Ireland
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Has Anyone Had A Case Of Uveitis With Their Spondylitis? This Is Happening To Me Now For The First Time And Has Scared The Heck Out Of Me!