Neck Pain
I am experiencing neck pain and when it hurts it hurts! Pain, creeking noises, stiff and headache which all eventually goes away but can be nearly debilatating. Had an x-ray and shows C5-6 spacing and C6-7 narrowing. Osteopenia. Have already lost hearing in one ear and doc says deteriorate bone loss. What kind of exercises, heat/ice, what do you do to make this pain better? And what can you do to strengthen this situation before it gets worse?
First you need an MRI of neck and CT Scan of head.
Hearing loss does not go with cervical spine disease.
Neck pain is a common symptom among individuals with ankylosing spondylitis (AS). Here are some key points from the knowledge base:
- Prevalence: Out of nearly 14,000 members of MySpondylitisTeam with AS, more than 1,200 report having neck pain
- Impact: Members describe the pain as intense, sometimes feeling like their Show Full Answer
I’ve been experiencing neck pain for a week now finally went to doctor. A couple of injections and I feel much better not sure what brought it on. Two weeks a go I suffered a hiatal hernia attack. I’ve changed my diet and I see a pain doctor and a gastroenterologist. Not sure what’s going on. I’ve been relatively healthy. My neck did feel better when I laid down also. 😢
Neck pain can be unbearable and the only pain medications I am not allergic to are Tylenol and Ibuprophen. Just laying down helps to relieve some strain and pain.
Enbrel And Medicare
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