Does Spodilolithesis And Spondilytis The Same?
I have seen my xrays and there is arthritis as well as the evidence of spinal S curve beginning as well as where the S1 Full on Shift occurs. My hips are very sore and swollen as well. What do you think?
Spondilolithes is a degenerate disease where portions of the spine is out of alignment with the other vertebrae (that's what my doc said anyways)..Spondylitis is a arthritis that attacks the spine and causes them to fuse together in a non natural way,pinches nerves and damages nerves and causes a loss of flexibility....both are under the category of Autoimmune Desease I think..hope this helps
I had.injections. Have.form arthritis and have.swollen heels.. Just.located another Dr that is more supportive of my condition. I had.3months.of.PT. It did flexibility and.helped.with the chronic pain. But when it returned, Vengeful! Ok? Like I stated before I was Not.getting.any pain meds. Now I am up even with the.few meds. People don't get it about what I am going thru. I read my Bible, other good books that motivate me. Good early morning 🌄 😴
Im waiting on my mri to be authorized. Been waiting for 6 wks. Had to do 6wks in home physical therapy, .in the mean time. . I alao have a really bad curve i n my spine. Ive lost 4 ins on my height . My hips r out of line witch causes me knees to hurt. Waiting to get shots in my back
Yes I agree you need an MRI. I had similar issues and ended up having surgery to remove a synovial cyst from S-1. But before surgery I had such painful attacks and my left leg from butt to bottom of foot has numbness. Take care of it now so it doesn’t become a bigger issue.
Sounds like you need a full body MRI
I Have Spondylosis Not Spondylitis Any One Else Have This As They Are Different
Holistic Doctor
Is There A Difference Between Spondolitis And Spondylitis??