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Asking If Low Back Surgery Helps?!

A MySpondylitisTeam Member asked a question 💭
San Antonio, TX

I’m scheduled for low back surgery next week and I’m so scared. Will it make a difference with the spondylitis? I have arthritis in my spine and the lower spine has gotten worse. The surgeon said that my lower spine ( the holes beside it and L9
was closed ; I’m sorry that I don’t know what they are called!) He said he can help with the pain but not take it completely away. Has anyone had this experience or can tell me what my odds are for surgery for someone with AS?

September 12, 2019
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A MySpondylitisTeam Member

I'm not sure what L9 is I had a spinal fusion L3-L5 in 2012 it seemed to help for about 6 months but I found out I developed an infection and had to have a pic line put in to allow my antibiotic to go directly to my heart. I've since had nothing but pain in my back so I'm not trying to scare you even more but be careful and ask a lot of questions

September 15, 2019
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

In 2013, I had a spinal fusion in my L-3 thru L-5. I have scoliosis, the fusion was supposed to stop my spine from further curving, but it now is trying to fight the fusion, there is a battle going on between my spine and the screws in my back, plus all the arthritis eating away at it. I am now on social security disability, I can't do the work I've done most of my adult life. I get tired easily and have lots of other issues. That is why I don't reccomend lower back surgery. I go to pain management once a month, I am on hydrocodone, muscle relaxers, anti- depressants, and even tramadol, (I've yet to figure out what tramadol is supposed to be doing for me). I am in excruciating pain when I stand or sit for a long time. I was in a great deal of pain before the surgery, but it is a lot worse now. Good luck with your surgery, and I pray you have blessed results.

October 22, 2019
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

Only have surgery if absolutely necessary. I have had 3. L2-L5 fused after failed lamentectomy. The spinal decompression and fusion of C2- T-2. Plus the AS has fused my SI joints and partial left hip. Several bulging discs above and below surgical sites.
Good luck to you get a FEW opinions before you decide.

October 1, 2019
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

This may help but I have not had any surgeries yet. My Doc got me to see 3 surgeons a few years ago up in Boston. They all told me the exact same thing. Do NOT get the surgery until the pain is so severe there is no other option. Because when you do it's a 1/3 chance it will help, 1/3 it will remain the same and 1/3 it may even end up worse. I'm lvl 3 spondylolisis a fractured disc and stenosis in 4 spots in the L4,L5,S1 area

September 20, 2019
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

Hi all. I wanted to update you all on my spine surgery or lack there of! I went in for surgery and they did not do because I had taken excedrin migraine a couple days prior. Then was rescheduled and I unexpectedly had an appendectomy which was a surprise for everyone because of my age! SO.... I feel like God was letting me know NOT to do surgery and everyone here did not recommend!
I’m grateful for all your comments and The Good Lord above! I firmly believe that I’m not supposed to have surgery right now.

October 26, 2019

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