Has Anyone Had Lower Back Sugery And Have Big Knots In Back And Nerve Damage And Then When They Walk Their Hips Hurt Very Very Bad?
has anyone had lower back sugery recently and have nerve damage and have big knots come up in lower back?
Yes, My Physical therapist believes that the severe pain is due to stenosis. I am learning to keep my body in proper allignment while strengthening the muscles around the joints.
Yes absolutely I've had severe nerve pain from degenerative disc disease and ive had a discectomy surgery for.
ive also hip groin n leg pain from before surgery which Drs have always put down as refered back pain.however since then I had to have a hysterectomy for adenomyosis so started to think the hip n groin pain related.unfortunately it hasn't ever subsided but has gotten so much worse in past year.i was on an anti.inflam med for four mths along with tramadol and 300mg Lyrica and the pain eased so I came off the tablet now the pain is back and more severe n aggravated even by moving around the house and walking and stairs seem to flare it even more.i can't seem to get relief at all atm.jas anyone else had similar issues?much love n hugs xx
Yes everyday how are you doing its been 2 years since you have commented
You have WHAT they call failed back surgery syndrome.and now the problem is in your sciatic joint. Which is very pain ful. You need more imagining to make sure that you have not developed AS or RA.Good luck in funding some relief. But I would really think hard if they offered more surgery because if you have another surgery. I think from my own personal experiences that it only cost you more pain.GOD BLESS YOU. I hope you can finw SOMETHING cry at will help.❤🙏🙏
I have pain in my hips & legs when sleeping on mt side. I have learned to lift my knee up, then turn when getting out of a car or I will have terrible pain in my knee.
Can Spondylitis In The Spine Cause Neck Pain And Hand Numbness?
I Have As,fibromyalgia,degenerate Disc Disease, Spinal Stenosis , Bulging Disc Andchronic Pain.
Does Anyone Else Have Spinal Stenosis And Resulting Leg Numbness/pain/weakness When Walking?