How Can U Go About Getting A Good Diagnosis Of This When You're Adopted
I have had 15 spinal surgeries, mostly fusions from the to to the bottom except for 3 thoracic, 23 screws plates discectomy(?) artificial disc placement . I have been diagnosed with failed back syndrome and chronic pain syndrome. I suffer from excruciating headaches which were supposed to be relieved with the cervical fusion and disc replacement. Joke!! Besides the headaches the worst of my pain is usually my legs. They don’t want to work, I have had 3 different spinal cord stimulators, no relief. My original diagnosis 30 something years ago was spondylolesthesis . Then cam the degenerative disc and discitus. I am on pain meds but they offer no relief, they tell me there is nothing else they can do. I feel like I have failed my family, because I cannot do all the things I should. It just sucks. I trusted drs because I was in so much pain. The neurologist looked at my films and his exact words were “ what in the hell did they do to you”. I get up everyday and I push myself because I feel so useless if I don’t. I wish I could have a normal life. All I can tell you is you are not alone, and there are people out there who understand your pain. Until someone has suffered chronic pain they have no idea what we go through 24/7. I wish I had a better answer for you, I guess I just wanted you to know that we all suffer in silence, and I am sorry for your pain. Chin up buttercup!! Do your best, and thank goodness you woke up this morning. And if you are like me , that’s a bunch of bs! Lol!! Don’t get me wrong I am thankful for everyday I wake up, I just wish it didn’t hurt so bad to get up.
I am experiencing pain on a 8 level for so long beginning to lose hop with a diagnosis! I have had 41 surgeries 3 failed fusion son my lumbar . Legs are causing me real worry. They keep giving way.but before that I get a heat like stroke where I sweat profusely and then hyperventilate . Then I sleep for days. Thought it was my Fibromyalgia but it is not. I can't stand for 10 minutes tops. Ice helps. Does anyone relate?? I feel so alone !!!!!
Getting a good diagnosis of spondylitis when you're adopted can be challenging due to the lack of family medical history. Here are some steps you can take:
1. Prepare Thoroughly: Make a list of your symptoms, recent surgeries, procedures, medications, and treatments that have worked or failed
2. Describe Symptoms Show Full Answer
That’s my profile for just an example. You get way more information than that.
23 and Me will do you genetics 🧬 and for a little more money give you a health option. They will send what you’re genetic prone to and which genes cause it. It’s $199 and well worth it! I’ll show you now.
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How To Get An Official Diagnosis
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