Hi, Is There Anything I Can Do To Ease The Discomfort Of The Chronic Popping In My Neck
I suffer from agonising popping and pain in my neck, that I often end up in tears. My back pain leaves me in absolute agony and feeling many more years older than i am, sometimes barely able to move and get about. Is there anything else i could try other than basic pain killers?
or turmeric oil or turmeric powder.
Tens machine very good on my sciatica
i was on the meloxicam 7.5 mg.
Meloxicam and humira injections have helped some and I started physical therapy to stretch and strengthen.....
Traction is my best friend!
Swimming in a warm pool is what helps me. The mild rocking from side to side seems to elonate my back and ease my pain. I've not used pain meds in ages
What Were Your First Symptoms?
This Is Weird But I Am Having Vibrations, Like Your Phone, In My Chest And Torso. I've Told My Cardiologist And PC But No Answer Or Interest
The Neck Pain Is Severe, What Can I Do To Help Alleviate The Pain In My Neck And The Massive Migraines