Could I Have Spondylitus?
Trapped a nerve in my neck which parralized me for a bit by just falling back playing football, once or twice a year for the first few years i'd have really bad neck pain and also was told at hospital that i had 2 ackle bones in each foot ,but they wouldnt do anything unless i was older and gave me problem,this may not be anything to do with my neck and back pain but needed to say as everything is linked. I then over the next 18 years had a PC repair shop and constantly bending over them and… read more
Best checked with the pharmacist or Dr @A MySpondylitisTeam Member I agree, but am fairly certain neither of those already have paracetamol in them as Tramadol is an opiate for certain and one that my body hated. I think Naproxen is a cox2 anti arthritic in which case both are ok with paracetamol and pain clinics often prescribe paracetamol with these kind of meds as it can enhance their effects. I take 8 paracetamol daily with fentanyl and a cocktail of others that do not contain paracetamols. Always best to check with cold and flu remedies too as they frequently do already contain paracetamols and can soon over dose x x
Paracetamol is so easily available but so dangerous in overdose, it is in things like lem sip and other cold and flu remedies too and if you don't realise it is easy to take too much.
Dean I think you need to get a referral to a neurosurgeon and have an mri of your back, not just your neck. A lot of people on here, including myself, have similar stories to yours, where something has triggered a neck issue and then it's gone from there over the years. You could well belong in our club - one that nobody wants to be a member of but we all help support each other.
One thing I would be checking, and I'm not a doctor so could well be wrong, but I don't think you should be taking paracetamol if you are taking Naproxen. and Tramadol. Others may say I'm wrong and that's fine if I am, but if not then just check with your pharmacist.
I'm sorry you're having a rough time of it and I hope things improve for you soon.
I have 3 compressed discs and 4 bulging discs in my spine was told I’ve got degenerative disc disease and the pain is excruciating at times and with the chronic pain and fatigue well not a lot gets done anymore but trying to get and see my GP is like asking for gold, I rang them this morning for a call back from her at 09:05 And it’s now 12:43 and still haven’t heard back the new system they have really doesn’t work you now have to wait for the GP to ring you back and they actually make the appointment normally the same day but they normally ring back within the hour, the last 3 times I have rung them she’s not seen me just spoken to me and changed what she thinks needs changing this isn’t good practice as they can’t actually see how you’re looking or feeling
My husband had that done about 6 mos ago and is just starting to feel pain again. So not a full year but longed than any other things they tried.
Is There A Difference Between Spondolitis And Spondylitis??
Douleurs Thoraciques Gauche
Is There A Difference Between Spondylitis And Spondylotis?