Does Anyone Have So Much Fatigue And Brain Fog That They Feel Drunk And Mix Up The Vocabulary? Is This An AS Thi G?
Hugs and prayers to everyone on here. Reading your stories let's me know I am not alone, as I do not personally know anyone else that has AS. Here is some of my story.
I am only 44 and have been battling the fibro since my early 20s and was diagnosed with the AS when I was 29. I am about to go in for my third back surgery and having a fusion.
The brain fog is awful, I can't think straight and have a hard time articulating what I want to say. I can look at someone and call them the wrong name even though I have known them for years. I lose stuff all the time.
My body feels broken, bruised, beaten and wrapped in barbed wire all the time. And the worst thing of all is people look at me and have no idea that I am constantly in pain from head to toe, I dont "look" sick.
I even had to edit this, as I put in the wrong words. Ugh.
Yes, I am feeling this way more often than not. The fatigue and ensuing brain fog are the most disabling parts of autoimmune for me. I can muscle through pain butvit is very hard to function when you feel like the plug on the drain has been pulled and you are sitting on empty.
Hi Angel, the brain fog and misuse of words i presume comes from the fatigue, which is brought on by inflammation and the body working to get rid of it. The humira is not the cause in fact hopefully it will get better once it reduces the inflammation.
I found out i have iron deficiency anemia so that wouldnt help but ive started taking iron and B12 this works tremendously! Its night and day with B12.
Yes, Yes and Yes! I feel some days like I have dementia! I can be in the middle of a sentence, and have a 2 second brain fog, and totally forgot what I was saying! Not good!
I put my fog and mixing up/forgetting words down to my fibromyalgia, so now I've learnt it could be AS too. Specially as it seems to be linked to inflammation. Stay safe xxx
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