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What Pain Meds Work The Best For This Condition

A MySpondylitisTeam Member asked a question 💭
Elizabeth City, NC
November 13, 2017
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A MySpondylitisTeam Member

I live in a medical marijauna state. I've found a few strains with high CBD works well. I am trying to rid myself of using opiates. I still have to take norco but most days can go without. My ankliosing spondylitis has effected me to the point i have lost an eye to it. I am also hunched over as the only thing i see is floor and butts. I am curved to the point that it is noticable. At one point in time i was on Fentynal patches. I hope that I'm not breaking the rules, just wanted to tell people that what has worked for me.

April 17, 2019
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

Hey Shirly I feel your pain girl. I have all of the same symptoms you do. The numbness and tingling are getting so bad. My left side is almost useless. And I am so clumsy! Which is inevitable when you can't feel your toes or feet. There is many weird things with this disease! You think you are just crazy sometimes. I also have borderline personality disorder which adds another whole slew of complications to my world. But I love life and I refuse to give up. Keep your chin up and keep fighting. Sending hugs and smiles!! 🙂😊☺

January 5, 2020
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

Hi Shirley. If you had floaters you would see something like bugs (spiders etc and you would feel like swatting it away. Hard to explain but google floaters in eyes. It’s common and it goes away . Blurry is something else. See an opthamoligist. I just had cataract surgery. My vision got blurry. We are not doctors but all have lots of medical issues so we’ve been around the block. Good luck. It sounds like your in the beginning of your journey with chronic pain. Don’t hesitate to try a new doctor. Ask friends and family if they have a recommendation. One more thing MRI of your spine will tell you a lot. Wish you well.

December 7, 2019
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

I have been newly diagnosed although, I was misdiagnosed with having MS 13 years ago. I have 3 daughters that suffer with AS in different aspects, finally had my doctor agree to do HLAB27 test, and send me to a rheumatologist who confirmed my condition this month...I am currently off work because of fractures in my spine, having had no accident to cause them...although I have suffered with no help for 13 years, I’m now on sulphasalazine and about to start on biologic...I have tried straight CBD oil as I’m canadian and we can legally use it, but I find it gives me no relief, someone has suggested a combination of CBD & THC, but I don’t know the magical ratio I should use, to get pain relief, without getting high!

December 6, 2019
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

I see that this is an old thread, but still a very relevant one. It is interesting to see what everyone else is taking and how they respond. I know personal relevancy varies depending on what stage in disease progression you maybe, the difference in your own body's reaction and what variance disease wise we endure. For myself, having lived in pain and worked in pain for almost 40 years and becoming disabled just a few years ago; I value a balance of some pain reduction, retaining has much quality of life as I can and to be able to still read, teach and so on. I am on Nucynta 100mg, which I've gotten special insurance approval for and I find less mentally taxing while providing some pain relief. I also take Humira by injection, Baclofen and Naproxen 500 2x daily. I've been on this regimen for 2 years and while far from perfect, has easily been the best one for myself. I also went to counseling last year and completed 6 sessions, which was quite beneficial for myself and I'd highly recommend for anyone trying just to make some sense of it all. The counseling really helped to realize how to identify scenario's of the pain cycle, the anxiety which comes from the pain and most importantly of all - I learned I wasn't mental!! (Smiles), most of you know what I mean - this disease not only messes with your body, but messes with your sanity. Recently I've fallen out of my better prayer habits, but I'm working on getting on track there also - times of prayer, listening to music, doing some photography (appreciating nature & worship), reading and some social interaction are as important in a balanced life for us as the best medicine balance is also. So I encourage each of you to find these balances in your journey, (yes they'll be different than mine).

April 13, 2019

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