Do You Have Change In Emotion Before Or During A Flare ?
I'm starting to predict them with me getting impatient, moody, not happy for no reason. Normally it's before it attack a part in my body. This time my jaw was attack first. It's been three week. It's better now but not over. And i just get hit with fatigue. I was moody the last three days. I slept well almost 12 hours yesterday, 9 today and i was able to sleep 3 more hours this morning. When the fatigue is gone i'm my almost like my old self again. Happy, full of energy and project. Do you have… read more
I get like that just before coming down with a virus. I think it's because you're tired and achy, body knows it needs rest and, like little kids fighting bedtime even though they're cranky eslxhausted, we get cranky before we pay attention to our bodies enough to realize it's time for it to rest. Maybe in the future when you notice that you're feeling irritable if you take it easy, rest, maybe the flare won't be so bad.
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