Degenerative Disk Disease Or AS
I had some x-rays done yesterday. Cervical and Lumbar. Last time I had any done my cervical had degenerative disk and bone spurs. It was moderate to severe DDD. Thoraic was mild to moderate Ddd. Lumbar was fine no Ddd.
The x ray yesterday showed Ddd in Lumbar and sclerosis and scoliosis.
Do I have DDD or AS or both? Dr. Wants to start me on Humira. If it’s DDD I don’t need to get on biologics. I am HLA-B27 positive. Also I have problems with both of my Achilles tendon.
I started with DDD now they call it AS . I do not take any drugs.
I see a Korean Acupuncture doctor & he uses his hands to adjust th joints in my body.
I see him 2 times a month.
I do not have pain.
A Few Days Ago I Was Diagnosed With Axial Spondioarthritis And The Doctor Recommended A Biological Treatment With Humira.Do U Recomended It?
I am from Peru and I can't find much information about this treatment.
@A MySpondylitisTeam Member. Biologics target one specific inflammatory cytokine out of hundreds that could be causing your symptoms. Unfortunately, although a cyrokine blood panel does exist, it is a… read more
Are These Symptoms/results Related To AS Or Something Else?
I'm newly diagnosed with AS. Just curious if anyone else has these. I have pain on the roof of my mouth and tongue. Little pinpoint dots that inflame up and go away. I also have rashes that were dx as uticaria vasculitis. High CH 50, low IgG.
@A MySpondylitisTeam Member. Oh wow Rhonda. I am so so sorry. Your pain and disease is very real. It us definitely not all in your head and it is definitely well documented. I have a busy day today… read more
Has Anyone Been Mis Diagnosed With AS. I Have Been Using Taltz For 2 Plus Yrs And Now My Dr Says She Think Maybe Its All Alighment Issues.
Did you get blood work done? There are special test to know for sure.
Human leukocyte antigen B27 (HLA-B27) - blood test
It Hurts When I Press On Specific Areas Of My Spine, Does This Happen To Anyone Else? My Low Back Specifically L2-L5 And My Sacrum
@A MySpondylitisTeam Member. Yes. My discs at those levels are all "dessicated" and bulging/herniated. Yours probably are as well from all that daily gym training for years. Good chance you have… read more
Anyone Negative For HLA B 27 Here?
I'm currently in my work up for AS. Dr. Dx it as AS. I believe it's
AS but my HLA B 27 just came back negative. Anyone else negative?
I've already done so. I've never heard that I will eventually have a positive result regarding the HlA B27. No one has told me that. I am already bad. I'm on a biologic. My c spine is fusing and… read more
I'm Thinking Of Stopping Methotrexate Altogether, But What Can Replace This Drug?
Anyone taking methotrexate NEEDS to get off of it!!! I was on that for psoriasis and found out that it is a TERRIBLE drug. Get off as soon as possible !!
What Is The Best Biological Treatment For Axial Spolioarthritis?
@A MySpondylitisTeam Member. Whichever one targets the specific cytokine causing your individual body's inflammation, if it is indeed caused by a cytokine. Look up what the one(s) being recommended to… read more
Does Anyone Have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (hEDS) Too?
@A MySpondylitisTeam Member. The closest our country has to free universal healthcare is the military healthcare system, TriCare, which is underwritten by Humana, the same underwriter for Medicaid. I… read more
Is There Any Members Who Have Ankylosing Spondylitis And Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Or Hyper Mobility Spectrum Disorder?
Yes me, I have hEDS