How Do You Answer A Question To Another, Friend, Spouse, Reletive, Etc.? About AS
I don't know what to say to them with out getting into a fight about it. My family always starts up an argument about what I try to say. Then I end up running to my room crying.
When answering a question about ankylosing spondylitis (AS) to a friend, spouse, or relative, it's important to communicate directly and honestly about your needs and feelings. Here are some tips… read more
Does Anyone Else's Back Crack Really Bad Just Walking, Bending Over,etc?
My knees and neck cracks. Soo embarrassing in public because it’s loud enough to attention.
Who Has Temporal Arteritis Along With Spondylitis?
As if Spondylitis isnt frustrating or painful enough. 😑 I went to my Opthalmologist today for eye pain that causes piercing headache with shooting nerve like sensation thinking it's just a bad uveitis flare from my recent trip and quitting all anti inflammatory meds in preparation for this week's stem cell transplant. He thinks i have temporal arteritis and wants me tested tomorrow by temporal vein biopsy. Im thinking I'll wait til next week sometime after my Monday Nephrology follow-up from… read more
@pitacThanks for the hug my dear friend❤️
I'm In Phoenix And Looking For A Support Group. Any Ideas?
Welcome to the team! This is the most informative site I've found on Spondylitis
Does Anyone Get An Electric Shock Like Pain Under Their Foot?
I can be sitting down and I get this strange pain in the middle of my foot underneath. I get a similar pain in my wrist sometimes too but am not sure what is causing it.
Hanging in there like all of are. Getting tired of getting bounced back and force with the doctors. Seems like there are different doctors for different things related with our spines. Hope that you… read more
I Am So Itchy Lately, I Don’t Have A Rash Anywhere But I Feel Itchy Everywhere. & When I Itch It Won’t Even Be 5 Minutes Later I Get Bruises
I have axial spondylitis with sacroiliitis
@A MySpondylitisTeam Member. If your liver or anything else comes up outside the green zone check how that parameter has moved over time if you have a historical record of it. Some people on some… read more
I Have Spondylosis Not Spondylitis Any One Else Have This As They Are Different
Thanks for the the information it's nice to know you're not alone
Can Spondylitis In The Spine Cause Neck Pain And Hand Numbness?
Recently I've been having neck pain, which feels stiff and my hands sometimes feel a little numb or like I'm getting pins and needles. My arms are fine it's just my neck and hands. Could anyone please tell me if this is related to the spondylitis in my spine? Many thanks.
I have numbness in both of my forearms into my fingers and now both legs.
How Do You Maintain Your Marriage Relationship When Both Of You Are Elderly With Stressful Chronic Disease.
As friends, relatives, ex spouses, die from old age I feel couples should try harder to support each other not pull away. In helping my spouse reconnect with exes for closure when we read their family obits since we are fearing death to a degree and losing many people I feel my spouse is getting emotionally dependent on less appropriate relationships. I’ve been disabled for years and Is he has been battling cancer and I’m sure thoughts of mortality, fear of not being handsome, cognitive decline… read more
@A MySpondylitisTeam Member.Point taken. Ive made my desires known and he seems to be behaving better, Showing me support and helping around the house. Time will tell. I can’t monitor anyone but for… read more
I Have As And My Symptoms Seem To Be Getting Worse My Question Is Does Anyone Else Experience Worsening Memory As Time Goes On?
Also maybe finding it harder to come across words?
yes getting worse for me, memory and words.